CDC is known by our cross and logo, both of which are trademarked by our organization.

The CDC Cross

The cross, the most widely known Christian symbol, is also the symbol for deaconess service. Concordia Deaconess Conference has adopted this cross design for use on its pin and insignia. The arms of this cross stretch out to the four directions of the compass inscribed with the ichthus, the symbol for Jesus Christ. This symbolizes the worldwide scope of deaconess service in the name of Jesus. The arms of the cross also flare into the shapes of Easter Lily blossoms, symbolizing the radiant joy of the resurrection of Christ; the source of Christian hope. 

Conditions of Use

Maintaining the visual consistency of the Concordia Deaconess Conference is vital to preserving its integrity, recognition and trademark protections. 

The logo may be used only in the colors and following the graphic standards previously mentioned. You may not change the colors (except, as noted, for certain approved exceptions), alter the image, or combine this image with other images. 

  • Avoid photocopying an already photocopied logo. 
  • Retain the exact proportions of the logo. 
  • Do not lengthen or shorten the arms of the cross.
  • Do not use any other color or tint.
  • Do not add special effects to the logo.
  • Do not decorate or add artwork to the logo, including writing on top of the cross.
  • Do not change proportions of the elements of the logo.
  • Do not change the typography.
  • Do not place the logo in an angled position.
  • Do not place the logo on a background of insufficient contrast or use it as a decorative background or wallpaper.
  • Do not abbreviate or reposition the logotype.

Who May Use This Logo

Members of Concordia Deaconess Conference – Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod on their uniform and in conjunction with the standards herein described.

The CDC’s Executive Committee has granted permission to the following organizations to use the CDC logo, insignia design and photo of cross pin, in conformance with the stipulations in this document:

  • Officially sanctioned LCMS deaconess training programs;
  • LCMS World Relief and Human Care
  • LCMS member congregations or Recognized Service Organizations or Social Ministry Organizations who have a CDC member serving in their midst as a called worker may use the logo, but only in a stand-alone format. Please secure authorization for its use from the CDC Executive Committee before printing.

Permission for the LCMS sanctioned deaconess training programs to use the CDC logo and insignia for promotional items that are sold at cost or for profit will be granted on a case by case basis after the Executive Committee has had the opportunity to review and approve the use of the design.

Who May Not Use This Logo

The logo is the exclusive property of Concordia Deaconess Conference and may not be used without its express consent.

ONLY the CDC may sell items at cost or for a fund-raiser (coffee mugs, T-shirts, etc.) or use such items to identify members (car decals, bumper stickers, lapel pins, etc.) 

The logo may not be used by websites other than CDC members and those of organizations previously mentioned. Private businesses may not use the logo; nor may CDC members use the logo for business or personal use. Rare exceptions may be made only after consultation with, and securing the permission of, the CDC Executive Committee.